Wednesday, September 16, 2009

4th Journal

1. I think my most Positive characteristic is being a Optimistic person.
I always don't lose hope bacause I have God to support me.

2. - when you are expressing your opinion during class or group discussion;

ofcourse i want them to respect my answer.

- when you are giving suggestions during group work or presentation

I want them to get my answer and submit it.

- when you commit mistake;

I want them to be open minded.

- when you don’t like doing what they ask you to do and
- when they want to give you their comments or suggestions?

I don't want them to be frank in front of many people. I want them to talk with me alone

b. Considering the given ideas on how to treat others with respect, what can you commit to yourself in terms dealing with the MCL community: teachers, students, employees, security, maintenance/janitors and canteen personnel?

Being a student of MCL i will give my Big respect to my teachers and the same respect to the staffs, janitors and securities, About my classmates i will give them my Big support to our stuies..

Sunday, August 2, 2009

10th Journal

1. My most unforgetable experienced is when
they forced me to join sorrority.

2. Of course i refused them because i know it will
not bring any good things in my life.

3. I feel Comfortable in my decision because i have no problem to be problemed.
no riots, no wars, no bad effect.

4. Of course i learned it is not bad to joined peer groups but it depends on their
objectives in life..

9th Journal

1. One person is responsible if he/she accept him/her own fault and answered his/her own question by action. he/she don't depend on others and he don't make excuses for what he do. he always use his mind for a good judgment, if he able to determine what is better. Then he also don't let thing happen in future he always do this things at a time.

  • HOME
My main responsibility at home is to treat fair to my siblings because we are four and i think it's my responsibility to not give favoritism to them. I am the eldest in four so I am their role model then it is also my responsibility to help my mother in household chores because she is the one who do all things for our sake.

I think my responsibility is to study hard because it is not for them, it's for me,for my future and for my family then i need to be honest at all time . In school "cheat" is the most habit of students but it is also my responsibility to not do bad,sinned things.

For me i think i will not treat my self like an island i need to involved my self into others i need to interact with them, and i need to contribute a lot.

8th Journal


B. I took the challenge of returning my self into God.
I not totally recovered about it but i will made
it step by step until i've finally give my faith and be devoted
to God. Because i've grow with christian people of course i have
influenced but when im already in secondary level 3rd year
i've injoyed my self into peer groups or barkadas. It continued that process
until im now in 1st year college. I know I am wrong but I admit my mistake.

C. I realized that it's better that you have God with your life because he
is the one who really can help you.

7th Journal

I've plan to exercise ever morning and eat breakfast
of fresf fruits everyday
then i will drink vitamins regularly
so i will able to be healthy person.

6th journal

A. I choose the challenge of get a high score in a quiz or seatwork.

B. In our class of hum. (logic) we have the topic of square of opposition, contraposition and invertion we've taked our quiz and i've get a perfect score it's not easy to get a perfect score in that kind of topic but I am happy I've made it.

C. I learned that it's better to make an big effort for your lessons because you will be satisfied in it's results.

5th journal


iI chose letter "C" for accomplishments" I already finished training in high school but im happy i became 4th year representative in SSG (supreme student government) it is not a joke or simple thing to be that kind of officer. Im in a public school when i was in highschool, there are thousands of students in 4thyear that i need to represent. First it's not really a joke to campaigne I am so ashamed about it...
My challenge is not yet done there is meeting de avance that need to be done you need to speak in top of stage and make your own statement at that time, it's really a big challenge for me to do that but i'm happy iv'e accomplished it.