Sunday, August 2, 2009

9th Journal

1. One person is responsible if he/she accept him/her own fault and answered his/her own question by action. he/she don't depend on others and he don't make excuses for what he do. he always use his mind for a good judgment, if he able to determine what is better. Then he also don't let thing happen in future he always do this things at a time.

  • HOME
My main responsibility at home is to treat fair to my siblings because we are four and i think it's my responsibility to not give favoritism to them. I am the eldest in four so I am their role model then it is also my responsibility to help my mother in household chores because she is the one who do all things for our sake.

I think my responsibility is to study hard because it is not for them, it's for me,for my future and for my family then i need to be honest at all time . In school "cheat" is the most habit of students but it is also my responsibility to not do bad,sinned things.

For me i think i will not treat my self like an island i need to involved my self into others i need to interact with them, and i need to contribute a lot.

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