Wednesday, June 17, 2009

my picture in disney

1 comment:

  1. 1.How does values education work to your advantage?
    Values education work to my advantage by means of adding confidence to myself and putting me in a higher level of thinking, and it also works in me through the moral lessons I already learned from the past. In addition, values educate me for having a good manner and right conduct where I could face people with respect and enthusiasm.

    2. After you have processed your first few experience at MCL ( Malayan Colleges of Laguna), In what way this will help you achieve succesful adjustment in college.
    After some few experiences of going back and forth to MCL, I have realized that it is really difficult to enter a new challenge. Everything is new, the school, classmates, location and so on. These few experiences will help me to move by my own on how to face changes and challenges towards motivation. I think it will help me to adjust in everything. I will learn how to evaluate the differences between High School and College and this will serve to be a successful adjustment for me in my College life.
